Thursday, May 23, 2019

Daily Update

S&P down trending hourly cycle as well as the sell signal did their job leading to decline.

Now, hourly cycles are up till <SP_Day_Hour>. At the lows, a buy signal came in. So possibly we bounce a bit to clear up the oversold situation. Hourly trend level is at <SP_HT1> in S&P futures and needs to be breached for any material upside. 4-Hourly trend level is at <SP_4HT1>.

US Dollar daily sell signal continues. Hourly and 4-Hourly trend is at <DXY_HT1> and <DXY_4HT1>. Daily trend support is at <DXY_DT1>.

EURUSD daily buy signal continues. Hourly and 4-Hourly trend is at <EURO_HT1> and <EURO_4HT1>. Daily trend resistance is at <EURO_DT1>.

Jobless claims came lower at 211K. Both manufacturing and services flash PMI for May dropped like a rock coming in at 50.6 and 50.9 respectively. Fed balance sheet shank slightly by -$5B to $3.860T.